Saturday, 28 September 2013

Why Radiology in Australia is Important

Patients suffer different health conditions that necessitate different approaches in diagnosis and treatment. With advancement of technology, more doctors now have more options on how they can approach diagnosis and treatment of various medical conditions based on the condition of the patient and the extent of illness. An example is when doctors can now diagnose and treat patients using numerous imaging technologies hence rendering surgery a last resort. A variety of imaging techniques exist, which means doctors can select a technique based on the health situation of a patient. Follow the link for more information about CT Scan.

X-ray is a common imaging technique for imaging bone fractures and other injuries on skeletal tissues to ascertain the extent of such injuries. This is one of the fastest imaging methods aimed at enabling doctors diagnose the exact location of an injury and to ascertain which approaches to use in treating such conditions. The use of x-rays cannot be overlooked in treating bone injuries and injuries on various skeletal tissues. Consequently, patients are not forced to go through surgical operations when rectifying certain skeletal injuries like bone fractures since many of these can be treated through other methods.

Doctors use CT scans if they want a more detailed and advanced picture quality that can be used for in-depth analysis of a patient's health condition since CT scans produce three dimensional radiographs. CT scanning entails combining several standard 2 dimensional radiographs taken from different angles to develop a 3D image that is easier to analyze because it is more detailed. This makes CT scans essential in diagnosis and treatment of soft tissue injuries, something, which conventional x-rays cannot attain. The ultimate result is minimization of the need for surgery when diagnosing and treating soft tissue injuries. Get more information about MRI Scanning.

Doctors can also initiate MRI scans if they want better images when analyzing internal tissues to detect any illness. This uses a fairly different approach than X-rays and CT scans since it uses magnetic fields to develop three dimensional images of internal body organs hence making it easy to act on them. MRIs provide greater quality images than those generated by x-rays. The use of MRI in Australia is actually safer than x-rays since it does not involve the use of ionizing radiation, which is often harmful, in generating images. Visit to learn more about radiology.

Doctors can also generate images of internal body organs in real-time whenever they use ultrasounds since it uses high frequency sound waves to generate images. This technique generates real-time images of internal soft tissues and is often very important in monitoring pregnancy and testing the status of various internal body organs like muscles, tendons and other organs. What makes ultrasounds so popular is the fact that they do not have any known side effects or health risks and that they are cheaper than other medical imaging techniques.

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